Wednesday, June 22, 2011

normal life resumed

So all the hoopla and celebration is over and normal life is resumed... my birthday wish was to make new friends and its been granted! thank u all those who participated in the give away and hope all the winners have received there goodies by now, if not then it will be with you very soon!! :)
I am really happy to have made great new friends and hope all you guys become active members of this blog and we can all stay connected. 
I am back on my mission of learning crochet and will soon be sharing some pics of my progress so far...


  1. Wish u a belated happy birthday Neha.Extremely sorry for the belated wishes. Wasnt around :(

  2. Hey Neha,

    The pouch was really cute.... thank u so much!! hope u had a gr8 birthday :) :)

  3. thank u ladies yess I had a gr8 birthday indeed! I am glad you like it Varsha :)
